Since 1935

About Houston Camera Club

Who are the members of HCC? They are working people, business executives, doctors, lawyers, students, professional photographers, retired people. They are people who just bought their first camera or their first digital camera. Some are experienced photographers whose work has been exhibited in salons around the world.  Some shoot photos in studios. Others enjoy spending their days in the outdoors shooting nature and wildlife. Still others prefer sports, landscapes, cityscapes, or people on the street. What they have in common is an interest in the photographic process and the art it produces.

HCC Competitions. Over the years, the club competitions have changed to fit the medium of choice and the topics of greatest interest. As of 2015, competition categories include Nature, Pictorial, Travel, Photojournalism, and Creative, as well as a back-to-our-roots category--Monochrome (black & white.) Once a quarter, there is a competition just for those who participate in our field trips.

GSCCC and PSA Competitions. Photos are selected from our club competitions for entry into regional and national competition events at Gulf States Camera Club Council and Photographic Society of America.

Programs and Workshops. Once a month, on the third Tuesday, we have a meeting that alternates between Programs and Workshops. Programs are put on by members or guests. Workshops are often hands-on photo exercises or informative lectures.

Houston Camera Club Officers 2023-2024


John Niemand

1st Vice President

Ramiro Sanchez

2nd Vice President

Bill Burychka


Rachel Burychka


Gwen Kunz


Field Trips. Once a month, for the nine more temperate months of the year, the club sponsors an activity of interest to photographers. These club outings provide opportunities to share techniques and visit with fellow club members "in the field".

Timing is everything.  Competition years are as follows:  For high points, digital and prints entered in regular competition from July through June.  For year-end competition, the period is July through June.  Dues, and the club's fiscal year, are September through August.